Family name origin

What you should know about the surname:

Our family name is written in different ways, and you will definitely ask why? So here’s the explanation.

Originally in France, the name was spelled ” Terrien “, the first generations in New France wrote it that way as the French and still comforming to that writing. It is in the middle of the seventeenth century that we find in the registration records of some parishes the surname speled ” Thérien “. A little later, between 1870 and 1900, another change appeared to give ” Therrien “, and today’s majority write it that way.

Also note that during the migration period to the United States, between 1840 and 1850 to 1900, several names have been changed. They were Anglicized or translated. Some Terrien also emigrated and some have changed their names. Today we find Terrien, Thérien or Therrien who became Farmer, Pharmer, Lander, Taylor or Tarian, Teriant, Theriant, Tharian, Tyrell and even Teriot.